The Global Women Career Lab is a global research and training initiative to help more women leaders rise to top management positions, leveraging the gender collaboration present in organizations and teams.
The founder, Dr. Bettina Al-Sadik-Lowinski, MCC, is an executive mentor-coach who has also undertaken extensive internationally recognized gender research. With her unique approach to coaching on leadership and gender diversity, Dr. Bettina draws from learnings shared by leading international female and male role models in top management.
What is unique about the Global Women Career Lab?
Offers strategies for women professionals to develop their leadership and career paths by leveraging off the experiences of international female role models and male allies from top management
Uses role model, international case study methodology to supporting participants achieving their targets
Takes full advantage of the learnings from systematic scientific research involving top women managers and male allies around the world (supported by the University of Burgundy, France)
Partners diversity experts and organizations to advance gender diversity and offers certification for experts who aim to support women leaders.
“My mission is to support women around the globe to grow and advance their leadership.
I feel rewarded when observing women advancing in their leadership.”

Dr. Bettina Al-Sadik-Lowinski is a trusted expert in women leadership research. Founder of Global Women Career Lab, Author, International Master Certified Executive Coach (MCC) and team facilitator.

Dr. Bettina Al-Sadik-Lowinski is a trusted expert in women leadership research. Founder of Global Women Career Lab, Author, International Executive Coach (MCC) and team facilitator.
“My mission is to support women around the globe to grow and advance their leadership.
I feel rewarded when observing women advancing in their leadership and doing this happily and balanced.”

Women in the workshops will see benefits by:
Gaining clarity on their own career orientation
Using opportunities consciously and making better choices for their professional and private lives
- Building confidence and ability to break free from their comfort zones in order to pursue their executive career ambitions
Understanding and developing their strengths and values, to help them grow their unique leadership skills
Making more effective use of mentoring, sponsoring and networking
Understanding and managing existing bias
Using their female strengths as leaders and leveraging off these along with the strengths of their male colleges
Understanding the corporate power system and navigating the system as strong and well accepted leaders
Overcoming obstacles and challenges in leadership that arise specifically for women
Workshops are built on a unique concept which combines four elements:

1. Experiences of top women mangers and male allies analyzed in the international scientific researches of the Global Women Career Lab.

2. The power of leadership experiences shared by participants from all over the globe who participated since 2014.

3. A holistic view on female careers with the FemCareerModel© for women leaders and the FemCareer Assessment.

4. Exploring learning approach supported by executive coaching style.
Coaching and Workshops

Work with one of the international leading experts through individual one-to-one meetings to gain more confidence, clarity and direction for your career and leadership as a female. Not only for female CEO´s but also for women at middle or senior management levels. Packages of 6 or 12 sessions for professional women.
2. Mentor-Coaching Group for women
Work on overcoming your challenges in reaching your professional and private targets with like-minded women from across the world. Gain insights from global role models and from the male perspective on solutions for obstacles that typically arise for women leaders. Ask for the schedule, only 12 seats per group.
3. Global Women Career Lab-Certification for diversity experts and coaches
Provides you with support for coaching professional women to the next level of leadership. Get certified by the Global Women Career Lab to gain credibility with your clients or within your organization. Ask for the schedule, Certification is undertaken only twice per year, for a small group of participants.
(PDF – Global Women Career Lab Certification)
4. Mentor-Coaching for ICF Level (ACC, PCC)
4. Key note presentations
For more information please contact Dr. Bettina Al-Sadik-Lowinski: alsadik@bas-coaching.com
Example conferences and workshops

Clients include: AMS Osram, BMS, Bosch, Eon, ZDF TV-Channel, Porsche, Novartis, SAP, Uniper, Saint-Gobain, Cantal
Consulting of the executive boards: Saint-Gobain APAC (Advisory board of WE initiative), Bosch
University workshops and global conferences: Tongji University, Jiangsu Normal University (China) University of Burgundy (France), American Chamber Japan/China, German Chamber Shanghai, ICF-China, International AI conference, SelfMama Russia, sHero Global Conference, LeanIn Luxury France and others
Special book reading events in major German women networks and company diversity initiatives, including KPMG, Panda, BW Spitzenfrauen, Mission Female, UK Chinese women and VW
Moderation: International de Gruyter Panel, Global Automotive Summit
Example topics:
- How to mentor women leaders successfully
- Visionary Women Leadership
- Similarities and differences of top women leaders in five leading nations
- Coaching women leaders
- How women rise- Characteristics of highly successful top women managers around the globe
- Career path typology of international women leaders
- What we can learn from women in various countries for our own leadership?
About Dr. Bettina Al-Sadik-Lowinski, MCC
As a management researcher, ICF Master Certified Coach and founder of the Global Women Career Lab initiative, Dr Bettina Al-Sadik-Lowinski is a leading global expert on women leadership and gender collaboration. In her publications, “How Chinese Women Rise”, “Women in Top Management”, “Typology of Career Paths of International Top Women Managers” and “Alpha Males and Alpha Females”, she has explored how top women managers from around the world can rise to the highest positions and how gender collaboration can practically be applied. Her analysis and conclusions have been widely discussed in the international press.
In 2014 she founded the Global Women Career Lab, a unique international research and training program for diversity experts, coaches and women leaders. Since than hundreds of participants benefit from using her methodologies and strategies for their own paths in management or their coaching practices. Top women managers and male allies worldwide trust Dr. Bettina Al-Sadik-Lowinski by participating in her unique scientific researches on women leadership. She holds a PhD in Management Sciences (University of Burgundy, France) and is visiting professor and regular speaker at conferences. She is also certification coach and mentor of new coaches for ICF credentials.
Originally from Germany, her international background includes living and working experience in Japan, France and China. She comes from a multicultural family background and has two children.

As a management researcher, ICF Master Certified Coach and founder of the Global Women Career Lab initiative, Dr Bettina Al-Sadik-Lowinski is a leading global expert on women leadership and gender collaboration. In her publications, “How Chinese Women Rise”, “Women in Top Management”, “Typology of Career Paths of International Top Women Managers” and “Alpha Males and Alpha Females”, she has explored how top women managers from around the world can rise to the highest positions and how gender collaboration can practically be applied. Her analysis and conclusions have been widely discussed in the international press.
In 2014 she founded the Global Women Career Lab, a unique international research and training program for diversity experts, coaches and women leaders. Since than hundreds of participants benefit from using her methodologies and strategies for their own paths in management or their coaching practices. Top women managers and male allies worldwide trust Dr. Bettina Al-Sadik-Lowinski by participating in her unique scientific researcheson women leadership. She holds a PhD in Management sciences (University of Burgundy, France) and is visiting professor and regular speaker at conferences. She is also certification coach and mentor of new coaches for ICF credentials.
Originally from Germany, her international background includes living and working experience in Japan, France and China. She comes from a multicultural family background and has two children.

What clients say about Dr. Bettina Al-Sadik-Lowinski

Alpha Males and Alpha Females
What do international male business leaders have to say about gender diversity, the rise of talented women into management and the opportunities for the sexes to work harmoniously together in boardrooms? What do they have to say on the obstacles that stand in the way?
For her new book Dr. Bettina Al-Sadik-Lowinski interviewed top male managers from eleven countries on their views on collaboration with their female colleagues in the executive teams of their companies.

Women in Top management
The book offers the reader a remarkable insight into the experiences of women in top business positions in Russia, China, Japan, France and Germany. It is based on the authentic experiences and original words of the 110 interviewees – all of whom are senior female executives – and on the author’s analytical insights, all set within a qualitative, scientific framework. In this international research project, the Global Women Career Lab, the author analyzes what motivates these fascinating role models, how they plan their career trajectories, what mechanisms they use to overcome obstacles and what leadership strategies have enabled these women to reach senior management positions.

Typology of career paths of international Top Women Managers
This typology analyses how women who achieved top management positions around the world built their careers and the characteristics that go with it. The analysis describes the five female career types. Experienced coaches can use the Global Women Career Lab typology to stimulate reflection on career decisions and shed light on the choices available to women in management levels. The typology also shows HR experts that talented women chose companies according to the opportunities they offered for women to rise in senior management. In English with a summary in German.

How Chinese Women Rise: What we can learn from Chinese women in top management
Contrary to what we might expect, China has a high proportion of women in senior executive. What are the success mechanisms of Chinese women in management? To find out, Bettina Al-Sadik-Lowinski interviewed Chinese women who she came into contact with through her work as an executive coach in China. The result is a unique research project, which analyses the mechanisms, attitudes and carefully planned career paths that allowed these women to rise to senior positions at multinational corporations in China. Order here

In Chinese covering the research on Chinese women in top management functions. women in Awarded “Excellent topic award” by the “Silk Road Writing Project” for foreigners at the Beijing International Book Fair, BIBF (Qindao)
Read more: www.howchinesewomenrise.com

Female Career Coaching for a multinational Company in China
Combining a Chinese career with a global perspective, this fictive case—based on real client cases—shows how female careers are affected by cultural contexts. New information from the Global Women’s Career Lab—a study among female top executives in China—produced valuable insights for Jenny’s coaching practice. Read more

Dissertation: “More than half the sky?” –Descriptions and determinants of the career development of female Chinese senior executives working at multinational companies in China.
What readers say about Dr. Bettina Al-Sadik-Lowinski´s books
Publications, Articles and Podcasts
Journals and Articles
Handelszeitung Read here
CTGN, How Chinese Women rise Read here
Shanghai Daily Read here
Business au Feminin: Bettina Al-Sadik gives a voice to women top managers Read here
Wirtschaftswoche Read here
Handelsblatt Read here
Karriere-Portal Handelsblatt Read here
Neue Zürcher Zeitung Read here
Spiegel Read here
Forbes Women Read here
Wirtschaftswoche Read here
Neue Zürcher Zeitung Read here
Shanghai Daily Read here
China News Read here
Wirtschaftswoche Read here
Neue Zürcher Zeitung Read here
German Chamber Shanghai News Read here
Podcasts und Videos
De Gruyter Business & Economics International Book Reading Panel “Women in top management” view
De Gruyter Business & Economics international Panel discussion with top women managers from five nations View
De Gruyter Business & Economics international Panel discussion with male allies on Gender Diversity and Collaboration
Femaleonezero Listen here
Podcast IBE Listen here
Chinalogue Podcast Listen here
Chinalogue Video Podcast: Female leadership View here
Podcast How China works Listen here
sHero, Interview Watch here
Female Zero one, Interview Watch here
Compliance Channel Talk Listen here
Contact Dr. Bettina Al-Sadik-Lowinski , MCC
EMAIL – alsadik@bas-coaching.com
WEBSITE LINK – www.bas-coaching.com

© 2024Dr. Bettina Al-Sadik-Lowinski
alsadik@bas-coaching.com, Germany
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